Recruitmant of junior staff

As an internationally growing company, Hannover Re attaches considerable importance to attracting junior staff. We therefore further stepped up our successful recruitment activities in the year under review.

In recent years we have already been successful in recruiting new employees who live up to our quality requirements in a timely manner. If we are to maintain this high level, it is vital to remain prominent and attractive as an employer and to know the expectations of candidates on the job market. As a first step, we revamped the career pages of our website in cooperation with other units that are active in our company's external presence. We put special emphasis on intensifying the targeted cultivation of those applicant groups that are of primary relevance to our company with the aid of short informational films. The centrepiece here is a personnel marketing video that highlights particularly important considerations for our target candidate groups, namely the challenging content of the work, collegial cooperation and an international atmosphere. This image video is flanked by four testimonial films in which members of staff describe their tasks and the associated appeal from their own personal perspective.

A target group analysis carried out at the end of 2015 will also enable Hannover Re to better calibrate its personnel marketing measures. The analysis of targeted and recruited employees revealed that to date we have had a considerable need for university graduates in mathematics and economics disciplines; this is, however, accompanied by an increasingly large proportion of candidates with career experience. The marketing mix for the target group of graduates encompasses various measures designed to cement and enhance the profile and appeal of Hannover Re as an employer, inter alia by building and cultivating contacts with universities, attending job fairs, offering to arrange field trips, publishing activity reports in print journals and online, delivering training in how to apply for a position etc. These measures are constantly reviewed with an eye to their efficiency and adjusted as necessary. Marketing measures aimed at the group of "Young Professionals/Professionals" must be designed differently because this target group's media usage habits and its expectations of an employer are not the same as those of graduates. Planning and implementation with these considerations in mind forms an integral part of the overhaul of our employer profile for 2016/2017.

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