Code of conduct for suppliers and supplier evaluation

Code of conduct for suppliers

Since mid-2012 our Code of Conduct for Suppliers has been in force for large areas of the company at the Hannover location. The Code of Conduct was developed by the areas of Facility Management (FM) and Information Technology (IT) with the support of Group Legal Services. It requires, among other things, compliance with environmental and social standards and forms an integral contractual component in, for example, the tendering and contracting by FM of infrastructure services as well as various construction projects.

Specifically, the Code of Conduct for Suppliers requires respect for human rights and compliance with the core labour standards of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The evaluation and selection of new suppliers by the areas of Facility Management (FM) and Information Technology (IT) also ensures that the risk of child, forced and compulsory labour can be ruled out. The Code of Conduct for Suppliers further requires that the right of freedom of association, e.g. to join trade unions and the employee council, must be safeguarded.

Supplier evaluation

Based on the criteria of the Code of Conduct for Suppliers, Hannover Re has also developed an application-supported process for self-reporting by suppliers and service providers. The procedure is used on a regular basis by Facility Management. In the context of an assessment carried out in 2014 we wrote to all IT vendors and evaluated them using a checklist. This evaluation was stored in the supplier management system and will be factored into the selection of suppliers when placing future contracts; furthermore, these criteria are also used for the regular evaluation of suppliers. Contracts with critically assessed suppliers are not renewed; an early-warning system ensures that an adequate lead time is available to select and as necessary familiarise an alternative vendor.

The evaluation of IT suppliers at the Hannover location is carried out using the supplier management system "ServiceNow". This system makes it possible to assign all vendors to the category that reflects their rating: Strategic (A-Supplier), Bottleneck (B1-Supplier – high strategic importance but low volume), Leverage (B2-Supplier – high volume, low importance, easily replaceable), Noncritical (C-Supplier) or Blacklist (Suppliers are in violation of our requirements and will receive no further orders). Suppliers who are assessed critically in an ESG risk category are assigned to the blacklist. No further orders are placed with such suppliers. All non-IT core vendors are evaluated along similar lines in a separate supplier management tool.

The review of suppliers in the year under review produced a positive outcome. Specifically, Hannover Re did not identify any suppliers at which freedom of association or the right to collective bargaining is significantly jeopardised or a substantial risk of child labour or forced / compulsory labour exists.

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