As part of the "Climate Alliance Hannover 2020" initiative we have undertaken to emit 40% less harmful greenhouse gases by 2020 than in 1990. Under the Climate Alliance we additionally participate in the Business Strategy Group of the "Master Plan 2050 for the City and Region of Hannover, 100% for Climate Protection".
Since 2007 we have also taken part in the "Ecological Project for Integrated Environmental Technology" (Ecoprofit) of the Greater Hannover region. The underlying idea of the project is the connection between economic gain and ecological benefit through preventive environmental protection. The participating companies are regularly involved in work on specific topics such as "Ecoprofit in the Urban Development Process" and "Current Changes in Energy Management". The energy-saving successes already achieved are regularly publicised in the relevant project publications.
In 2016, as in the previous years, we participated in the survey conducted by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). Information related to climate change is published here with a special orientation towards the capital market. In 2016 we achieved a "B" score (corresponding to the second-best level) and thus further improved on the previous year. In 2017 we shall again participate in the CDP survey.
We are also a member of the "Ruschlikon e-administration in (Re)insurance" initiative of the Association for Cooperative Operation Research and Development (ACORD). ACORD is a global non-profit organisation working to improve data quality and information exchange standards for the (re)insurance industry and related financial services providers. Among other things, its system makes possible the paperless processing of official documents. In the first quarter of 2016 alone, for example, we electronically processed 7,800 loss advices and altogether 35,000 attachments through this channel. It is envisaged that the interface will also be rolled out with other large brokers and business partners, which will ultimately mean that some 70% of loss advices and posting transactions will be processed purely electronically.
Our subsidiary
We also participate actively in the Geneva Association working group on "Extreme Events and Climate Risks". For further information please see the chapter on "Product responsibility".