
Company at a Glance

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Holding Company Metalloinvest (hereinafter Metalloinvest or the Company) and its subsidiaries comprise a group of mining and metallurgical companies whose profile includes the production of high-quality iron ore, metallised products, and high-quality steel products.

Holding Company Metalloinvest main assets include:

  • Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter Lebedinsky GOK)
  • Mikhailovsky Mining and Processing Plant Public Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter Mikhailovsky GOK)
  • Oskol Electrometallurgical Plant Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter OEMK)
  • Ural Steel Joint-Stock Company (hereinafter Ural Steel)

The aforementioned assets are managed by Management Company Metalloinvest, which is headquartered in Moscow and has functional units based in the Belgorod Region city of Stary Oskol. The Company has set up a shared services centre in Stary Oskol – the subsidiary MKS LLC, which provides administrative support for the Company’s activities, specifically accounting, tax, and personnel administration..

The Company operates in Russia. It has production facilities in three regions of the Russian Federation – the Belgorod, Kursk, and Orenburg Regions.

Metalloinvest’s mission: To support global technological development with a responsible approach to the environment through the high-quality production of iron ore products and and metallised products.

Metalloinvest’s operations are divided into two key segments: mining и metallurgy.

The Company’s mining and processing plants develop unique deposits within the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, which primarily consist of magnetite ores with an average iron content of 34–39%. The Company has the second largest proven iron ore reserves in the world at around 14 billion tonnes according to the international classification JORСCompany data as of 1 January 2019
based on the Mineral Expert’s Report
of IMC Group Consulting Ltd prepared in 2010.
, which guarantees about 138 years of operations at the current level of production. Most of the iron ore concentrate produced is processed into products with high added value – mainly pellets and hot briquetted iron (HBI), which are shipped to external customers and further processed at the enterprises of the Company’s metallurgical segment.

Metalloinvest’s metallurgical plants produce direct reduced iron (DRI), pig iron, and steel products: semi-finished products (square billet, rail and shaped billets, and billets for the production of pipes and hardware), long products (coil and bars, including Special Bar Quality premium quality steel), and sheet metal (strips, bridge steel, and steel for shipbuilding).

Snapshot of Metalloinvest’s operations and key indicators in 2018