
Social Support for Employees

Metalloinvest attaches great importance to social support for its staff and views this as the key to the long-term motivation and commitment of its employees.

Metalloinvest is committed to constantly improving the effectiveness of its own social support system.

The focuses of social support are enshrined in collective agreements. In the event of changes to existing social programme and the introduction of new ones, the employer along with representatives of the trade union conducts a comprehensive analysis and comes up with optimal solutions taking into account employees’ interests and the Company’s capabilities. The Company continuously monitors social programmes, which makes it possible to quickly adjust them to the needs of various groups of workers.

In particular, the meal payment process was optimised in 2018: an electronic accounting system was introduced to replace the voucher system. This increased the speed of service for workers at canteens and introduced a flexible system to pay for meals.

The Company continued to invest in traditional areas of social support for employees and retirees (former employees) during the reporting period.

Social support expenditures [RUB million]
Structure of social support expenditures

Social support expenditures for employees amounted to RUB 3,195 million in 2018, a 4% increase from the 2017 expenditures.

In 2019, in addition to the planned re-signing of collective bargaining agreements, Metalloinvest plans to conduct a number of measures that will further improve the quality and effectiveness of internal social programmes:

  • Integrating the practice of providing resort treatment with the programme to reduce occupational illness (for more details, see the section Employee Health)
  • Improving the quality of service and expanding the list of services offered at its own social facilities. This programme was drafted based on the results of a survey on the level of satisfaction with the quality of facilities conducted in 2018
  • Vacations for children at third-party Black sea recreational facilities